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Workshops and Courses for Educators

Designed as a flexible learning space, the teaching lab allows us to introduce and model various teaching methods and allows educators to experiment with new instructional tools and approaches that engage and support learners. Teaching for Social Justice is at the heart of workshops and courses.

Workshops and courses are open to UC San Diego faculty and graduate student instructors, except where noted in the descriptions. This academic year, we are delighted to offer workshops with an emphasis on GenAI, mainly ChatGPT, and antiracist pedagogy, as well as our general workshops such as holistic evaluation of teaching and course design series.

Visit the events calendar. Join our newsletter by adding your email to this form.  Please email questions to Engaged Teaching Hub at  

Note: Until further notice, workshops and courses are offered remotely.

Teaching Portfolio Development Retreat

The Teaching and Learning Commons, in partnership with the Holistic Teaching Evaluation Oversight Committee, invites faculty applications to participate in a two-day Teaching Portfolio development retreat, scheduled for Tuesday, July 9 and Thursday, July 11, 12pm - 3pm. In alignment with the campus’ move to a more holistic evaluation of teaching process, we will share information about the holistic evaluation of teaching recommendations and guide you through the process of developing a teaching statement and portfolio. Our goal is for you to leave the retreat with a strong working draft of your teaching statement and portfolio content. 

We are seeking applicants from multiple departments and senate faculty titles/ranks who are interested in developing their teaching portfolio and who are also willing to share information and resources learned through this experience with their department colleagues. Selected applicants will receive a $1000 professional development stipend in recognition of their service. If selected, participants will:

  • Attend the full retreat.
  • Complete pre-work and homework. (~1- 5 hours, depending on your current progress in developing a portfolio).
  • Host a departmental information session during AY 2024-2025 and serve as a resource for their department on developing teaching portfolios. Please note that members of the Holistic Teaching Evaluation Oversight Committee and the Teaching and Learning Commons can support these efforts.
  • Submit a brief summary report of your experience and lessons learned.
As the campus continues to transition to the new teaching evaluation process, we hope this retreat will be a mutually beneficial learning opportunity in which we can provide guidance, as well as learn from your experiences with this process about how to best support faculty and departments through this change. Applications due date has been extended to: Tuesday, June 11, 2024. For more information, please contact The application can be accessed HERE.

Spring 2024 Faculty Teaching Workshops

Supporting Your Students While Preserving Yourself
Thursday April 18, 2024

10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Remote | Register Here

Students are facing unprecedented difficulties, especially students of color, and are increasingly disclosing their struggles to faculty and instructional staff. Providing support to students is an important part of being an instructor; however, assisting students through crises can be overwhelming while faculty are also experiencing burnout. In this session, learn evidence-based strategies for providing support to students and students of color in one-on-one interactions and de-normalize solving students’ problems. Learn how to set up appropriate boundaries and preserve your own wellbeing.

Leading Effective Instructional Teams
Tuesday April 23, 2024
11:00 a.m.  - 11:45 a.m.
Remote | Register Here

Instructional assistants, including teaching assistants, instructional apprentices, tutors, and readers, play a critical teaching role in a course. We will share and review a resource that outlines strategies for setting expectations and boundaries, gauging workload, managing communication and grading, and ideas for staying in touch as the course progresses. Formatted as a lunch and learn, the presenter will (a) share a 15-minute overview of key information about concrete strategies and (b) through a 30-minute Q&A, dive into your questions about applying the presented topic to your teaching context. Feel free to enjoy your lunch while listening. Videos are optional.

Learning About Your Students Through Early Student Feedback
Friday, May 3, 2024
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 
Remote | Register Here

It's always a good time to get to know your students and about their learning in your class. We will discuss how to use early student feedback to learn about students’ experiences and make supportive adjustments to our courses. We will share resources and example surveys, brainstorm areas in which we are curious about students’ experiences, and provide work time to create or revise a student survey.

Equity-Minded Course Design Series
Monday June 10, Wednesday June 12, and Friday June 14, 2024
11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 
Remote | Register Here

Join us for a three-part Course Design series to design, redesign, or update a course. Beginning with the end in mind, we will integrate backward design as the framework to guide you through developing an equity-centered course with student-centered learning outcomes, aligned assessments, and active learning experiences. Educators will reflect on how equity can be embedded through their curriculum to create safe, generative learning environments for their students. Leveraging social justice education frameworks, the interactive workshops will include synchronous (via Zoom) sessions and asynchronous learning. This Course Design Series specifically centers on building equitable learning experiences and is appropriate for instructors designing in-person and hybrid courses. This is open to UC San Diego faculty and graduate students across all disciplines and titles.


Past Faculty Teaching Workshops

GenAI Workshop: Strategies for Facilitating a Conversation on ChatGPT as Course Policy
Wednesday January 17, 2024
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Powerpoint Slides

Whether you’re allowing or not allowing your students to use GenAI tools (like ChatGPT) in your course, they will want to know why or why not. It’s a good idea to include a written policy for your course and to be prepared to facilitate a conversation about the policy with your students. In this workshop, instructors will work on developing/refining their GenAI course policies and we will discuss strategies for talking with students about them. We will also touch on how instructors can follow-up when it appears a student violates the policy. 

GenAI Workshop: ChatGPT: A Tool to Enhance 21st Century Skills
Wednesday January 31, 2024 
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Powerpoint Slides

The learning outcomes of your course communicate knowledge, skills, and abilities your students should acquire by the end of the course. With ChatGPT, instructors are encouraged to review their learning outcomes for these reasons, as well as those based on the trajectory of the discipline. In other words, instructors must prepare students for how their field of expertise will develop in the future. In this workshop, we will use ChatGPT as a tool for students to practice learning outcomes specific to the course.

GenAI Workshop: Upgrade Your Assessments for Learning 
Wednesday February 21, 2024
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Powerpoint Slides

An assessment is an activity that gauges the progress of a student’s learning of a concept. An assessment supports or is connected to the learning outcomes of the course. So, can ChatGPT be used as an activity to assess a student’s learning? The answer is, yes. In this workshop, we will provide examples of how to use ChatGPT as a tool to enhance assessment relevant to real-world issues that students will find useful.

How to Use Oral Exams as a Student-Centered and Equitable Assessment Tool and Pedagogy
Wednesday February 21, 2024 
2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. 

Oral exams can be a student-centered and equitable assessment tool and pedagogy to better assess students’ knowledge and learning progress, foster deep learning and active reflection on learning, and enhance student engagement. In this workshop, faculty will learn about the nuts and bolts of successfully implementing oral exams to maximize the benefits and address potential challenges such as scalability. A cross-campus team of engineering faculty and Teaching and Learning Commons educational specialists, who worked together on an NSF-funded project, will share various ways of designing and implementing oral exams to generate a positive impact in the courses.

GenAI Workshop: Upgrade Your Writing Assessments for Learning
Wednesday February 28, 2024 
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Writing assignments provide educators with a useful tool for measuring student learning: they can reveal the degree to which students are retaining course knowledge and meeting course learning outcomes. In this workshop, faculty will reflect on the “why” that drives their course, create assessment strategies attuned to their “why,” and adapt such strategies to better address the advent of GenAI in higher education. Faculty will leave this workshop with a better sense of alignment between their course outcomes and writing assignment strategies that promote student learning and GenAI literacy skills.

GenAI Workshop: Activate Active Learning With GenAI
Thursday March 14, 2024
9:30 a.m. -11:00 a.m.

Active learning is demonstrated through activities that keep students actively engaged by interacting with you, your course content, and with each other. Active learning activities can be used to move students from passive to active engagement in the classroom, to check for prior knowledge, to build connections, and to establish relevance, to name a few examples. With ChatGPT, you can, for example, engage students to compare two written papers on a concept, one produced by ChatGPT and one produced by a student. In this workshop, we’ll explore other ways ChatGPT, and other GenAI tools, can activate learning in the classroom.

Equity-Minded Course Design Series
Monday March 18; Wednesday March 20; Friday March 22, 2024
11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Join us for a three-part Course Design series to design, redesign, or update a course. Beginning with the end in mind, we will integrate backward design as the framework to guide you through developing an equity-centered course with student-centered learning outcomes, aligned assessments, and active learning experiences. Educators will reflect on how equity can be embedded through their curriculum to create safe, generative learning environments for their students. Leveraging social justice education frameworks, the interactive workshops will include synchronous (via Zoom) sessions and asynchronous learning. This Course Design Series specifically centers on building equitable learning experiences and is appropriate for instructors designing in-person and hybrid courses. This is open to UC San Diego faculty and graduate students across all disciplines and titles.

Grading for Equity: Antiracist Assessment Strategies
Wednesday November 15
2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Powerpoint Slides

In this workshop, participants will evaluate their current grading practices to imagine equitable, anti-racist grading plans. The workshop will explore discipline-specific anti-racist assessment practices and consider alternative assessments that center students' identities, experiences, and goals.

Positionality and Pedagogy: "How These Shape the Way I Teach?"
Wednesday October 4, 2023
10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Powerpoint Slides

This workshop is designed to deepen educators’ critical understanding of how our identities and positionalities impact the classroom in which we teach. Through discussions and activities, participants will explore how knowing themselves influences pedagogical choices, fosters student belonging, and enhances student-teacher relationships.

To use or not to use GenAI in the Classroom: Opportunities, Limitations, and Reservations
Tuesday August 1, 2023
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Without getting into the how to’s, what are you excited about? What opportunities do you foresee using technology as a tool for teaching and learning? How can GenAI enhance teaching? What is your apprehension for using GenAI tools? What support are you looking for in communicating your decision to students while still maintaining a learning community in the classroom? In this learning session, we will share our excitement and reservations for using GenAI tools in the classroom, as well as its limitations. 

Clarifying Course Objectives and Value 
Tuesday August 8, 2023
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Faculty are encouraged to clarify the value of a course. What are ethical implications for using GenAI in your course? In this learning session, we will explore how you can clarify the value of your class and ignite students’ intrinsic motivations to attend and meet the learning objectives of the class with integrity.

Promoting Writing Assignments as Meaningful to the Student’s Voice 
Tuesday August 15, 2023
1:00 p.m. - 2 p.m.

ChatGPT and other tools (e.g., Bing, Bard in Google Docs) can generate a paper once it’s prompted. But what does this mean for our students’ writing and critical thinking skills? In this learning community, faculty will consider how the writing process (brainstorming, drafting, revising, reflecting) can promote critical thinking even in the age of GenAI. We will discuss strategies for scaffolding writing assignments and related activities to enhance the learning process – either by crafting prompts that make it difficult for students to use GenAI tools or by incorporating GenAI tools into your writing assignments.

Part 1. How to use GenAI to Amplify Your Teaching 
Tuesday August 22, 2023
1:00 p.m. - 2 p.m.

Education is evolving. Like the pandemic, GenAI presents an opportunity to rethink the way teaching is delivered and learning is acquired. You may be thinking about designing new assessments, rethinking rubrics, rethinking learning objectives, engaging students differently, or writing letters of recommendations. In this learning community, we will explore strategies using GenAI to amplify your teaching.

Part 2. How to use GenAI to Amplify Your Teaching
Tuesday August 29, 2023
1:00 p.m. - 2 p.m.

In the previous learning community, we explored ways GenAI can amplify teaching. In this learning community, we invite faculty to share how they used or imagined using GenAI as a tool to deliver teaching.

Equity-Centered Course Design Series
Monday, August 28; Wednesday, August 30, and Friday, September 1, 2023
11:00 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Join us for a three-part Course Design series to design, redesign, or update an existing course. Beginning with the end in mind, we will integrate backward design as the framework to guide you through developing an equity-centered course with student-centered learning outcomes, aligned assessments, and active learning experiences. This series will encourage educators to reflect upon how equity can be embedded through their curriculum to create safe, generative learning environments for their students. Leveraging social justice education frameworks, the interactive workshops will include synchronous (via Zoom) sessions and asynchronous learning. This Course Design Series specifically centers on building equitable learning experiences and is appropriate for instructors designing in-person and hybrid courses. 

Currently, this is open to UC San Diego faculty across all disciplines and titles. Graduate Students teaching as course instructors for Winter 2023 are welcome to email to inquire about course design support.

Documenting Teaching Effectiveness
Thursday July 20, 2023 
10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

In alignment with the campus’ move to a more holistic evaluation of the teaching process, we invite you to join this workshop to learn more about documenting teaching effectiveness through a teaching portfolio. Teaching portfolios provide faculty with the opportunity to paint a holistic picture of their teaching philosophy and practices, as well as their growth and development around teaching. In this session, we will share information about the holistic evaluation of teaching recommendations, including guidelines for the teaching portfolio and tips for writing an effective teaching statement. This workshop is interactive and includes time for attendees to begin planning elements of their portfolio and drafting a teaching statement.

The New Faculty Academy

The Center for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion and the Teaching and Learning Commons Engaged Teaching Hub have collaborated to pilot the New Faculty Academy at UC San Diego. The New Faculty Academy is a suite of workshops designed to support the professional development and integration of early career faculty while building a community of colleagues across campus.

Faculty who are new to campus and joined within the last few years are welcome to participate. While faculty at all ranks may find the information useful, this program was especially designed with early career faculty in mind. All sessions will be held in person in Halicioğlu Data Science Institute (HDSI) Room 255, with remote access options for those who need it. Faculty may attend any and all sessions, and are encouraged to register in advance to reserve their spot.

Visit Center for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion for session details.

Recorded Faculty Teaching Workshops

Assessment Grant Proposal Workshops
Thursday April 13 and Wednesday April 19, 2023


Are you interested in applying for an Assessment for Advancing Equity Grant? Attend this workshop to learn more about the application process and benefits of participating in the grant program.  Sponsored by the Executive Vice Chancellor and Division of Undergraduate Education, this grant offers units the opportunity to focus on curricular assessment with the goal of closing equity and opportunity gaps. The interactive workshop will include a synchronous (via Zoom) session, a zoom recording will also be made available on the grants website after April 13th. This session will give participants insight to the application process, pre-packaged grant templates, and support you with developing your assessment ideas. 

This is open to UC San Diego faculty across all disciplines, and recommended for those whose portfolio includes curricular assessment.

Graduate Student Teaching Workshops

The Teaching + Learning Commons Engaged Teaching Hub offers a variety of teaching workshops to graduate students and postdocs who are interested in teaching and/or are currently teaching, from Instructional Assistants to Instructors of Record. These 60- to 90-minute workshops are designed to create community and opportunities for hands-on experience, and practical discussion of evidence-based teaching practices that support student learning.

Please see our flyer for more information. Email with questions.

Support for Graduate Student and Postdoc Instructors of Record

Learn about support available to graduate students and postdocs preparing to teach as course instructor at UC San Diego or beyond:

Email with questions.

Introduction to College Teaching

Introduction to College Teaching is a free course that prepares graduate students who will teach or plan to teach. Graduate students develop expertise in evidence-based effective teaching practices and create a lesson plan for a future class session in their discipline of study. View the course syllabus.The course is offered every Fall, Winter, and Spring, with registration for the upcoming quarter opening 1-2 months prior. When open, the registration form is here.

For more information, email *Open to graduate students. Open to postdocs on a space-available basis.

Writing Your Teaching & Diversity Statements

Visit the Writing Hub for support on writing a teaching statement and diversity statement, and other writing support services

Center for Advancing Multidisciplinary Scholarship for Excellence in Education (CAMSEE)

CAMSEE supports educators in learning about tangible strategies to build inclusive classroom learning environments, sustainable practices to create welcoming educational communities, and learner-centered syllabi that address diverse needs of UC San Diego students. Together, they impact students’ learning experiences in our courses. Learn more about CAMSEE.

*Open to faculty and graduate students. Open to postdocs on a space-available basis.